Cash Policies
$10,000 to $50,000
Have you noticed a Big Increase in Heart Attacks, Stroke and Aggressive Cancer recently? I sure have.
Not only am I getting many more calls from people who are suffering with new illness than ever before, but I am also seeing it with my own friends and family.
If you have concern for the below conditions, these Cash Policies may make a lot of sense!
Heart Attack
Benefits of Cash
Benefits of Cash
Pay your deductible and copays
See and Pay providers not covered by your insurance
Pay for Alternative and/or Holistic Treatments
Pay for Home healthcare assistants and Meal delivery
Pay travel Expenses to see Providers in other states
Pay Bills while going through treatment or recovering
Buy a car, tv, go on a cruise etc. IT IS YOUR MONEY!
​​End Stage Renal Failure
Major Organ Transplant
Total Loss of Sight
Total Loss of Hearing
Benefits of UA
Very simple and straight forward coverage
Easy to qualify for
First Diagnosis claims - No 2nd opinion needed
Lump Sum pay out - Up to $50,000
In business since 1947
Credited with creating Medicare Supplements
A+ Better Business Bureau Rating
A (Excellent) A.M. Best Rating
How does it work?
A lot like a life insurance policy. Except that you are still alive to see and use the money.
Upon first diagnosis, submit the pathology or diagnosis report with a claim form, then get a lump sum check in the mail. It really is that simple!